Where can I find the lost
Losing didn’t hurt like the realisation did
I was trying to accept for who they were
Emotions are such strong ingredients.
They ruined as excess was thrown in the grid
I walk here and there to place I might want to go
Take a turn somewhere, speed limit of 90 but I want to go slow
Ways are set for I am taken as someone opaque
It’s is always in the lines of “why wouldn’t you like this cake”
I am made to feel like I did something wrong
Accused of things that weren’t as strong
Fools are those who said friendships are easy
It all comes down to what we ignore and what we wish to see
Agitation and anxiety is hid, for hurt isn’t what I intend
Although I could never pay back what you have spent
Precious moments don’t always last
They end up leaving a white cast
So tell me what is the cost,
Where can I find the lost?