Not Okay
I am so done with the shitty behavior of men and making excuses for it. Maybe I wasn’t dressed appropriately, maybe I was laughing too much, maybe I looked easy. What if someone saw him grab my butt in public and I didn’t shout about it, it is so embarrassing. Should I walk home, maybe I will take an auto, but I will send the location to my contacts. I was waiting for an auto but someone walked up to me saying he saw me standing there every day and wanted my number, he is a stranger, he can kill me but I don’t want to share my number either. Also, why is it okay to notice an alone woman every day and possibly wait for her? Why can’t I stand alone somewhere, why can’t I walk home alone, why can’t I wear a sleeveless top in a metro and not feel stared at. Why can’t I speak on the phone while walking, why do I have to be hyper-vigilant till I reach home and still feel fucking unsafe everywhere I go. Why can’t I shrug off a weird stare, why do I have to be scared to say NO? I am so done with being treated weak and I am so done with stupid men thinking they can get away with anything. It is not fun to grab a woman’s back in a crowded metro just cause you had a chance, it is not okay to reach out to her on the streets just cause you were interested, it is creepy, it is fucked up and I know that the trauma I carry might be called as overreacting but it is not okay when I gave you No damn permission. It isn’t about respect anymore, it is the stupid male ego that lets you think you are powerful enough, guess what you are not. I see no change, but sure, as a way to protect myself I have to join a damn self-defense class now if I want to stay alive, while you get to be this horrible person who gets away with any thing, even murder at this point.